Saturday 10 December 2016

Acknowledging Kindness

When someone do something, We say "thank you".

But not all the people do the same, when we do them a favor , some will just smile, some will just nod their head, some will just look at us and walk away and some will just walk away without any reaction.

And the people we choose to say thank you is different too, in many families, they don't say thank you to each other , among friends- a very famous dialogue 'there is no need thanks between friends'. When we don't say this to the people we know, how we going to say that to strangers?

Now, why we need to say thank you?  Well, why not? More than just being polite, saying thank you shows our gratitude for the help received, we are telling them in two words that we are not taking their help for granted. Not to forget, a lot of studies shows that we can get a lot of benefits when we cultivate gratitude!

Let's acknowledge other's kindness by saying Thank you no matter how small thing they have done for you. You might think it just two words, but don't ever underestimate the power of gratitude.

Thank you all for reading 🙏

Sunday 23 October 2016

Deepavali countdown

I am very excited about this year's Deepavali festival. Last year, I was sick pre-deepavali, on deepavali day and the next day admitted in hospital for another week. I couldn't do anything! So, i want to get double happiness this year!

Today we painted the house, my favorite color - PURPLE! Before do anything else, i created this picture, using that quotes creator app. The background picture was taken during last year's Deepavali.The countdown starts!!

Saturday 22 October 2016

Be Creative

With all this technologies, nothing is hard. I was on the way back home from work yesterday, i just thought of do some calligraphy again(previously i downloaded  an calligraphy app, i found my handwriting was so bad, i know practice makes perfect, but i was too lazy, so i uninstalled after few hours)

Yesterday i thought of doing it again, because i found i want to do that, tell something through few lines. I randomly searched 'quotes creator' and guess what,  i found a suitable app!

I started off with this 'Be Creative Every day'.  I know some of you might ask, what so creative in installing something on net and write random lines and post. I just thought, if people are downloading pictures, quotes, from somewhere which done by someone else, why shouldn't I do my own with font, background, alignment and color i like!?  😉

Saturday 15 October 2016

Sharing of information

Realize that you can't share everything you know to everyone. There is 2 type of people out there. One who can actually connect to your story and react accordingly and another one that only listening because they have to (since you are talking to them)

We can choose to keep the information to ourselves, if anyone wants to know about something, they will ask us and if we know, then we can share. This is just like internet,  most of the details and information is there, but you will only find it when you search for it.

At the same time, it could be like, they don't ask you, but while you are sharing, they might get something out of it or you could be clearing something that was in thier mind.

But, at the end of the day, it's you that have to decide whether to share or not, because only you know your circle and people who are like minded like you.
You don't want to waste your energy telling something people don't want to listen and you don't want hear them saying or giving reactions like 'here he/she started'

Of course, if it is two way conversation, the topic is going to be more interesting and we will hear a lot of of high fives ✋ !!

Sharing is caring, but share to people who needs it, don't waste anyone's time and don't waste your energy.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

A Good Day

A good day,

When you wake up after long night sleep, when that cold water splashed on you, the freshness you got!

When you dress up, the shirt and pants fits in so perfectly , because of those exercises that you did, without fail!

When you stand in front of mirror, there is no need of primer,  foundation, BB cusion and so on, your face is glowing naturally, because of those vegetables and fruits along with good proteins you took to without tempted to those unhealthy foods!

When you walk down the subways, the smiles from the lil ones to the aged, because you never forget to wear your smile along the way!

When you get to your office, you gathered with your colleagues for breakfast, lunch and tea time, because you always been the warm and friendly with all the people you know.

When you goes back to home, a dinner with family members, share about each other's days, laughing together because home is always sweet home.

When you done with the day, just about to sleep, you express your gratitude to the nature, to the universe, to the God because it was a good day.

It's not about past, present or future, it's about how you use your past to do better in present, and how you gonna take this present to future. It's about all. Balance your life, everyday will be a good day.


Wednesday 17 August 2016


There is famous phrase treading in social media now - ' When someone said you have changed, it simply means you are not behaving the way they wanted anymore' -  well, that's might not the exact phrase, but i guess you all know what i am trying to say.  So,  is that true that we didn't change like that phrase?  At all?  Why would someone want to say you have changed if they didn't see the difference?

Does doing something new possible without a change?  Be it changing a new job, new house, new phone, new thoughts and etc. Be it a routine, is it still same as the day before?

People always says in order to be happy or be successful, we should not stuck in past. In order to come to present, we need to change isn't it? 

When someone say 'you have changed', I have seen some people's very first reaction is like 'ya, for good'. Good here not the real good,  the respondse will be with a lot of drama into it. Why when someone said we have changed, we have to take it as sarcasm or a bad thing? 'she/he must have meant it in a bad way'. Our brain and heart will start their gossiping.

We change constantly, the way we talk, we think, we behave. Everyday is a new chapter in life, nothing is going to be the same anymore - from mental to physical to everything we know. Let's see the changes as something good, as a part of life.

'Change is the only thing that don't change'

Monday 15 August 2016

Once in a while

Weekends was great. Went to my cousin's place . It's like 2 and half hours journey by train. Actually I live in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia. When it's a capital city- the crowd, the noise, people rushing here and there not a new thing for anyone who lives here.

My cousin's place is a small town. Totally different from the place I live. So much tree around you, less car, clean air..

Yesterday when i was on the way back from there,  i just sit quietly in train, The earphone was not needed, my time spent just by looking at the greenery scenes out of window.

An escape from our routine once a while is so refreshing. We get to see new faces, smile to strangers , different cultures.. All this make us see everything from different perspective.

Once a while we need to be different situation, just to realize few things in life. For an example, i absolutely felt so grateful for having a sophisticated lifestyle back in city. At the same time ,  people here have very peaceful life,  there is no need of rushing for anything, the extra time they have because there is no traffic jam here even in peak hours-all this made me feel how lucky are people here.

Once a while, getaway, see and explore new things, it will definitely free our mind from normal chaos.

Once a while, be with people who we usually don't hangs out with, listen to them, it will give us an idea or solution for something we are looking for very long.

Just once a while,  because 'that a while', might change everything we know or we do all this while :-)

Do take a while to share your thoughts 💭 💭  :-)

Friday 12 August 2016

Keeping up with friends

Well,  the reason i didn't write last month was because i was busy keeping up with friends. Ok, one of the reason :-) I will admit that a sudden loneliness striked me and i decided to actually at least say a Hi to people i know.

I was really surprised how a simple 'HI' can make so much of wonders. Facebook is connecting all, people post their status, pictures and we 'like', now have new features - 'react'  to thier updates . And this is what we call keeping up with our friends.

My HI  to my friends definitely showed me that there are so many things happening that we don't aware. We have some friends that post whatever situation they are in and some only post about happiness.
A true conversation is needed to know what is going on, what kind of help they need, what kind of opportunity there are for them to offer us and so on.

Have some extra time? Feel free to say HI  to people you know. Who knows - They might have something to offer you or you might have a chance to make difference in their life.

Almost forgot to say something to you all-HI *winks*

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Things you like to do

After a long gap, met one of my college mate today for breakfast. We had very lil things to talk about(which i found weird). Somehow, just to keep the convesation going, i randomly asked her " so, what are the things you like to do?"  She looked at me a while, then she said " Nothing much actually".

That's when our boring meet up became a real jumpstart for me. I have to admit that i was dumbstruck a while but after that i was like " Seriously?! Nothing?!" Once again she gave that weird look and answered, " in which way you are asking? You mean like my favourite food?"

Although i was very surprised but i explained her about my likes, what are the things i like to do, i even showed her my blog and mentioned this is one of it. She later explained how her life is going now: Work- Home- Assignments(She is doing her degree part time)- Sleep. She don't have much time for anything else.

I understand that she have a busy schedule, but what really bothered me was she don't even remember what she likes because of her busy schedule( I was seriously expecting her to list down something, at least that list would have encouraged her). We can clearly see that she don't have quality time for herself!

Sacrificing our time for work and studies is definitely a good thing as that is something which will  play an important part in our future, but spending time and doing things we like gives us an opportunity to know ourselves - our strength, our weakness, it also makes us more relaxed, feel less dependent and so much more.

This story is not just about my friend. It's a story about many others out there who are running a race in life and forgot who they really are. Let's stop running in life and start living the life!

IN BETWEEN, what are the things you like to do? Do share!!!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Emotional detachment

Whenever I am emotionally down,i will Google and get the answer for all the questions that is going on my mind. During that process today, came across two words that commonly used in a lot of articles- Emotional Detachment. Decided to further find out how to practice it and that's when i found an amazing aritcle here - I immediately grabbed my pen and did the attached pic. Sometime all we need is the keyword and today i got the "keypicture" inspired by the author. Thank you :-)
*Sorry for the bad drawing**

Friday 20 May 2016

From Misperception to Open-mindedness

" We see the world not as it is, but as we are"
Came across this quote and started thinking about perception. Have you ever wonder if you too argued or even had a brawl with someone on a topic and prioritized your own perception over others?
Perception is like setting a self limit and mostly we don't like if someone not agreed with us. The others may not be right all the time, but our perception restrict us to listen to them, instead try to force them to believe our point of view. And, when they didn't, it often end up in quarrel or break in relationships.
There are many factors contributing to our perception on certain things-family, culture, friends, interest, expectation and many. But not all the things that we were interpreted is the truth.
Awareness of the way we think is important. Everyone should spare some time, just sit and revise our past, think what are things we believe strongly and why. Is what we believe is correct or we actually can be more open about few things?  Before we voice out our opinion, let others express their feelings and recognise values of their knowledge. This way, it will bring more understanding and healthy conversation.
Let go of misperception and let in open-mindedness.

Do tell me what's your "perception"  about this article. *wink*

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Curiosity VS Overthinking

Yesterday i read a fact stated "overthinking can cause you depression". I am a person with full of curiosity. I tend to ask a lot of question and think a lot to find the answer. So my question is,is curiosity = overthinking? Let's discuss! Share your opinions in comments section below!