Sunday, 31 December 2017
It's Been a While...
It's a wonder how these kind of things can actually make us divert away from things we like to do. Its takes a lot of self-discipline to even to things we love the most isn't it.
I realized, life is not only about analyzing what is the problem is, but to find the answers to overcome it too. 4 months is not a short time, but i am happy i am here, realized things, started to type whatever comes in my mind, at this very moment.
Of course, this was not a new year resolution, i was very busy doing my bullet journal, even that time it didn't crossed my mind to do a goal setting "write blog everyday". This is just another morning, where i was walking here and there, listening to songs, looked at my lap top, dusty. I cleaned it, opened it, think for a sec what should i do and immediately came to this page and typing.
This is becoming my new year resolution now, this moment, to write my blog everyday. How to? My routine has been to wake up, commute to work, work, and commute back from work, sleep. How to find inspiration to write in this kind of life? The only word came to my mind now is - BE OBSERVANT.
Gosh, did i just made one of my goal public? Which means it's a challenge for myself. Challenges not only empowering, it breeds inspiration. This everyday thing is to be added in my bullet journal right after publishing this blog.
Writing this today, made me realize...
How's your first day of new year been?
Monday, 24 July 2017
People just won't let you live a life that you actually wants. Frequently we losing our own individuality because we worry too much about what people think of us.
Often, these people are those who are very close to us, like family and good friends. Although their opinion matters, don't forget to live you life because one day when these people are not with us anymore, you will regret that you didn't live a life you wanted in fear of losing them.
We have to train ourselves to be strong so that what others think about doesn't hinder us from where we stand. They could say things based on what they heard, what they read, or even what they have experienced, but things are different to anyone and we cannot let anyone's life story influence ours.
Look inside yourself, who you are, what you want, what you believe in, all this can change everyday, but you must remember, this changes must be from within you, not from outside.
Enough said, i wrote whatever i feel in this post, doesn't means that you have to agree with me, you might have your opinion, but one thing that both of us must do is, you should not ask me to change my opinion, and i should not ask you to change yours. This way, everyone can live their life peacefully.
Do share your opinion:)
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Shut up and write already
One of the thing I ask myself a lot is "should I write it down?", before I could answer, I start doing something else, and remember the "it " that I was thinking, I forget what was "It"!!!
Everyday, we think about a lot of things, but we don't really take it serious and just forget it. One fine day, we will realize, we should have write it down.
I came across the topic, when I clicked the "New Post" tab, I asked myself, "I only know the topic, how to write rest of it." But when I start writing , i managed to write something.
It doesn't matter how long is it, how good is it, when you feel like expressing yourself, just pen it down, without worrying about the outcome.
What are you writing, do share!(I am going to write a story that was in my mind for a while now)
Friday, 3 February 2017
It's February, let's talk about LOVE!!
What is love? In my opinion, love is indefinable, because love have different meaning for different people.
For an example, some people thinks that love is when you prioritize your loved one over anything or anyone, but for some people, love is to be understanding and patience when the loved one is busy and can't prioritize you at the moment.
No matter how it mean to us, love is the most beautiful thing in our life. We laugh together, be there for each other when sad times, we go places together to create a lot of memories, we sacrifice, and a lot a lot more!!
Another beautiful thing in love is that willingness to do anything for our loved ones sometimes put ourselves into a situation where we wonder, is that me who done all that?
I get very creative when it's gifting time for my loved one. Be it anniversary, birthday or valentines day, i always think, Google a lot to do the most unique gift for him. The efforts I take pays off when seeing his astonished reaction.
What is the most beautiful or craziest things you have gifted him?! Do share!!